April 9

Week 10 and 11

Week 10

Another busy week, as students worked towards completing their Enterprise Day crafts, Passion Projects and Narrative writing pieces.

On Friday we had the Science Incursion, which was a lot of fun! Thanks to everyone in Rm 12 for their flexibility in moving around the school while our classroom was being used all day. Students had to investigate a crime scene in order to find a missing person and they used Forensic Science to help solve the case. This was a great addition to the inquiry unit that Simone has been working on with the students, to find out how Science impacts on our lives today.

Last week of term 1!

Important information and reminders for this week…

Due Dates- A reminder that students are presenting their Passion Projects this Tuesday. Their Narrative writing pieces are also due on Tuesday. I am happy to extend the deadline to next term for either of these, for students who have been working hard in class and at home and are still needing more time. If parents could please just write a note or email me if you think your child would benefit from more time.

Enterprise Day- Don’t forget Enterprise Day is this Wednesday 12:30pm-2:00pm. Room 12 have three stalls that we are running; Sushi with Oka Sensei, Healthy wraps with Simone and Upcycled crafts with Mrs Wright. Please see the ‘Enterprise Day’ blog post for more details.

I have heard from a couple of parents who have offered help out on Enterprise Day. If there is anyone else who would like to help Room 12 with their stalls, please let me know. Students have been rostered for shifts to help at our stalls. They will have one food stall shift (either wraps or sushi) and one Upcycled craft stall shift. The rest of the time they have as free time to look around at other stalls. If you do want to help out, you can stay with your child for the day and help with whatever stall they are at.

**We will be making wraps in the morning from 11am-12pm,if any parents would like to come in and help us with this also. We can store the wraps in the fridge inside the staff room as well as in eskies. I will bring an esky on the day and if anyone else has another large ish esky they could bring, that’d be fantastic.

Last day of term– A reminder that school finishes at 2:10pm on Thursday the 13th of April.

It is also a casual day on Thursday for a gold coin donation. If students come in casual clothes, they must have a gold coin. Of course they can still choose to wear school uniform if they would prefer.

Don’t forget that Rooms 11 and 12 are having a class party in the park from from 12:10pm. Students have been asked to please bring a plate of food (either sweet or savoury) to share for lunch. Families are most welcome!