March 13

Week 6

I hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend!

In week 6….

Passion Projects– Students finalised their ‘fat’ question to focus on and are now hitting the books and internet to begin their research. This Tuesday, students will bring home their planning so far to discuss with you. This is so you can see what the project is about and the direction your child has chosen to take. Could families  please make sure that the project sheets are back at school by Thursday morning as we will need to use them then. Thanks

Enterprise Day– Enterprise Day will be here before we know it! If you haven’t already put the date in your diary, then please do so; Week 11, Wed 12th April. More information will be sent out soon. Rooms 11 and 12 are going to run an Upcycling stall on the day. This will link in well with the Science strand of  ‘Sustainability’. At this stage, students have been asked to think about some things they would like to make in small groups. Then we can start to collect some resources that families may have lying around at home e.g. bottle caps, bottles etc. For these craft sessions if there are any parents that would be willing and available to help, I know that I would really appreciate some extra hands!

Science- A note went home on Thursday, asking students to please;
Look for seeds in and around the home. These may be in fruits or vegetables that are eaten or seeds found in the garden. Collect a number of each seed if possible and place in a small plastic bag. Write the name of the flower or fruit on the bag.  Take a photo of or draw the fruit or flower that the seed came from and attach to the plastic bag
with the date of collection. Students will be asked to share their collected seeds with the class on Thursday afternoon this week.

Camp- A note went home this week with a bit more information regarding camp. In order to gauge how many students will be attending, we are asking all families to please fill out and return the slip by Monday the 20th of March. I will attach the note in a link below in case anyone has misplaced their form.

Camp Letter Narnu Farm-2

*Reminder- Family Picnic coming up this Friday March 17th from 4:30-7:30pm